Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Comparison Between Other Countries

In this chart there's different statistics of people who suffer of Bipolar disease in the United States compared to other countries. The country with the lowest result is India with 0.1% compared to the United States who is coming in a 4.4% of people with this disorder. The second highest is New Zealand with 3.9%. It's been said that high-income nations are most likely to have people who are bipolar than low-income. In conclusion, 2.4% of the population worldwide is affected by this disorder.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

What I've learned so far.

Bipolar disorder is a condition when a person changes from a really good mood to a bad mood, like mood swings. This disorder effects women and men in the ages of 15-25. People with bipolar disorder type 1 have at least 1 episode of major depression. People with bipolar disorder type 2 are more hyped up with high energy levels. Then these episodes alternate with depression.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Why did you choose your topic?

I chose Bipolar Disorder because it seems like an interesting thing to research about. You can learn from it and help people who have problems with this disorder. I am also doing this topic because its something different so everyone else had chosen common issues such as depression and suicide. I hope I learn from this and i'll post more later.